5 Popular Architecture Design Styles Throughout History

5 Popular Architecture Design Styles Throughout History

Architectural Styles

Architectural styles are based on key characteristics that make the building easy recognizable. A style can be defined by the materials used and even its method of construction. Throughout history, architectural designs have adapted and readapted to current technological advances, beliefs, and ideologies. Many architectural designs have been adaptations of earlier styles. From the ancient Greeks to Contemporary design, here are 5 of the most popular and most recognizable architectural designs throughout history.


classic architecture styles

Classical design was derived from the principles of Roman and Greek architectural styles. After the fall of the Roman empire, this architectural style ceased to be practiced until the late 8th to early 9th century during the renaissance era and has continued to be practiced in modern day designs. Classical designs are most notably identified by oblong buildings surrounded by columns usually with high ceilings.


neoclassic architecture styles

During the mid 18th century, the neoclassical era gave birth to neoclassical architecture which reinstated and revised Roman and Greek architectural designs from Classical architecture. Neoclassical design uses several key features which are mainly the use of simple geometric forms, columns, and large blank walls.


Victorian architecture styles

Victorian Design rose in popularity from the mid to late 19th century. Victorian architecture refers to Queen Victoria who ruled over Great Britain from mid 1837 to her death in 1901. Victorian architecture revised older architectural design and introduced designs popular in Middle Eastern and Asian countries. Victorian designs are usually tall, narrow, asymmetric designs. Victorian architecture then gave life to the Classical Victorian and Gothic Victorian design eras.


Modern Architectural Styles

Modern architecture or modernism emerged in the early 20th century and rose in popularity because it heavily relied on newer technologies like the ability to mass produce glass, steel, and reinforced concrete. Modern architecture relies mostly on plain geometric forms and the ability to embrace minimalism. Modernism was the main architectural style until it was slowly replaced by Postmodernism in the mid 1970s.


Contemporary Architectural Styles

Contemporary Architecture is the architectural style of the 21st century. Contemporary architecture uses various styles that blend into one cohesive design. Contemporary buildings are designed to be noticed and astonish everyone. Contemporary designed mainly utilizes concrete, large windows, curved lines, and an overall asymmetric design.


Humans have been designing structures for thousands of rapidly and have built on one another as adaptations of previous eras. As technology keeps advancing, the limits of what can be designed will continue to adapt and styles will continue to change like the drastic difference from Postmodernism to Contemporary architecture. But one thing each style has in common is a rich history that shaped each era.

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