Like with any job, shopping mall construction has guidelines to follow so you don’t make mistakes. There are also examples of what not to do so that the company does not find itself on the negative end of perception from a potential or existing client. In the case of Shopping Centers, we wouldn’t normally think one would fail, but they most certainly do. Sometimes developers build too much space, or too little, or create a bunch of units that are poorly arranged. Businesses who rent them have a hard time succeeding. We’ve found and developed a list of things NOT to do when in the middle of a Shopping Center Construction project.
Here are the Top 3 reasons why Shopping Centers fail:
Not Enough Parking
Shopping Center customers generally like to park in one of the first few spaces in front of the store and run errands really quickly and efficiently. If not enough parking is planned at the outset, customers will move on to a more convenient Shopping Center to avoid having to deal with this issue. Another typical pitfall related to parking is when no parking spots are planned for employees for the rear of the store. Employees generally will take up space in any available parking spot which comes to the customer’s detriment.
Built-in a Lousy Location
There are many ways to mess up your location. For example, inconvenient curb cuts that make it difficult for customers to turn, or to see returns in time. Usually, these happen because the piece of land happens to lie in a curve of the road, or there might be a building blocking the line of sight. At times, developers have built a Shopping Center that isn’t on an intersection, making it much harder for customers to get in and out. Generally, because there are already businesses on all four corners of the intersection.
Too Large, Too Small, or Stuck in Between
Developers may build something too small to house a supermarket or other large store that will attract most of the business. On the other hand, the units may be too large to be an appropriate place for small convenience-type stores that fill small spaces. (i.e. pizza or take-out restaurants, dry cleaners, beauty salons, etc.) If a Shopping Center is built with too much square-footage inside for typical store units to fill, it can’t attract many customers.
There are many more to add to this list that messes up your location. Avoiding these mistakes can help a developer succeed in keeping his or her stores at full capacity.
If you are looking for a professional, skillful, and experienced Shopping Center Construction company to create your next Shopping Center Construction project plan, we believe you should work with us. We have a keen eye when it comes to construction of shopping mall project planning by following the successive stages of modern construction, a proven track record of happy customers, and the ability to take your ideas and bring them to life. When you sit down with our commercial general contractors, we discuss your building project ideas in depth. This way, we at RCS Construction can see your vision and bring your large or small shopping center plans to life. Contact us to learn about our shopping center construction services, what kind of industries we serve, and what planning and design resources we offer.